Rabu, 24 Oktober 2007


aka THUNDER ( I - III ) Directed by Fabrizio De Angelis Italy; 1983/1985/1988 The THUNDER series of loopy 80s Italian action films represe...

Rabu, 17 Oktober 2007

The Worldweird Cinema Bruno Mattei YouTube Trailershow Tribute!!!!

Although the maestro of challengingly awful Italian genre cinema passed away this year, his shlock spirit lives on through his glorious and ...

Rabu, 10 Oktober 2007

More Turkish Superhero Insanity from Onar Films!!!

Although our pals at Onar seem always to be hovering near at the brink of oblivion, still more and more amazing DVDs are issued forth from t...

Jumat, 05 Oktober 2007

Return of The Worldweird Cinema DVD News Roundup!!!!

And we're back! Miss us? Here's a back log of astonishing digital disc news that we've scoured the internets for as to pass alon...