Handmade movie poster art from Ghana! - Hai teman Asuhan Keperawatan (Askep) Perawat, di Artikel ini yang berjudul Handmade movie poster art from Ghana!, kami telah mempersiapkan artikel ini dengan baik dan ringkas agar mudah di pahami untuk anda baca dan dapat di ambil informasi didalamnya. mudah-mudahan isi postingan yang kami tulis ini dapat anda pahami dan bermanfaat. baiklah, selamat membaca.
Judul : Handmade movie poster art from Ghana!
link : Handmade movie poster art from Ghana!
Handmade movie poster art from Ghana!
After spying a book on the subject over at Cinema Books here in Seattle, I dug into the internets and uncovered a stunning collection of wonders. These posters, all hand painted with great imagination -usually on used flour sacks, were advertisements for entrepreneurs who travelled from village to village projecting rare videocassette copies of movies otherwise difficult to see. Along with the usual Hollywood blockbuster fare they seemed to show a great selection of wider world exploitation. Films from Indonesia, Italy, India, the Philippines, Hong Kong and Nigeria poured in to this small West African country. Here's a selection of the best Worldweird-y posters I could find.Itu tadi adalah Handmade movie poster art from Ghana!
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