Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009

UPDATED!! Coming soon from Mondo Macabro: THE SADIST WITH RED TEETH!!

UPDATED!! Coming soon from Mondo Macabro: THE SADIST WITH RED TEETH!! - Hai teman Asuhan Keperawatan (Askep) Perawat, di Artikel ini yang berjudul UPDATED!! Coming soon from Mondo Macabro: THE SADIST WITH RED TEETH!!, kami telah mempersiapkan artikel ini dengan baik dan ringkas agar mudah di pahami untuk anda baca dan dapat di ambil informasi didalamnya. mudah-mudahan isi postingan yang kami tulis ini dapat anda pahami dan bermanfaat. baiklah, selamat membaca.

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UPDATED!! Coming soon from Mondo Macabro: THE SADIST WITH RED TEETH!!

OUT MARCH 30, 2010!!!

It's with barely contained excitement that Worldweird Cinema brings you the big scoop on the next MM DVD release! It will be none other than Belgian director Jean-Louis Van Belle's lost vampire opus THE SADIST WITH RED TEETH! We've wanted to check out this Jean Rollin-influenced poetic horror cheapie since first reading about some years ago in the essential book IMMORAL TALES. And now we will get our chance to gaze firsthand at this rarity! Making this even more mouth-watering is that it will be a double feature! Van Belle's mondoesque (and even more rare) FORBIDDEN PARIS is also included! That's just too much obscure Euro-ecstasy for us to handle! Also to be included in the package will be a new documentary about Mr. Van Belle as well video introductions to the two films by the director. No idea yet when this will bow, but here's some quick screenshots to get you in the mood.

For more info, here's a previous Mondo Macabro blog post all about Jean-Louis. And of course here's his IMDB page, for what it's worth. More info will be presented here when we have it!!

Itu tadi adalah UPDATED!! Coming soon from Mondo Macabro: THE SADIST WITH RED TEETH!!

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Anda sekarang membaca artikel UPDATED!! Coming soon from Mondo Macabro: THE SADIST WITH RED TEETH!! dengan alamat link https://ners-ngenes.blogspot.com/2009/10/updated-coming-soon-from-mondo-macabro.html

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